Thursday, December 15, 2016

        Class Evaluation --- Mr.Haymore Block 3 Computer Class

  1.        Some things I liked about this class was the fact that it relied a    lot on choosing the right and becoming a better person. I think this class made me change a lot about honesty, integrity, and a lot of other personality traits. What I liked about this class also was that it was very unique. Never in my 14 years have I had a class that taught so much about choices and pathways.  
  2.        Some this that I did not like about this class it the fact that it has the SAME routine. And that little light appears in the classroom so it makes me sleepy. Also I didn’t like how we sit in the same computer every single time so it makes the class dull. But besides that I really think this class has taught me a lot of wonderful things.
  3.        Some recommendations for improving the class would be create more interesting activities to do besides typing tutor, students success statement, and career pathways. However, I am not good at advices or recommendations so I literally don’t know how to improve this class.
  4.       A highlight for me in this class was able to relate to some of the quotes we wrote about. I think that somehow those quotes made me think about my mistakes and how I could overpass them. Yet, I haven’t but I think that was my biggest highlight of this class.
  5.       For this class, I really think I did do my best for the projects we were assigned to do like the 10 states project and the ctr project. But besides that for every student success statement i tried to really put thought into them and actually express what i feel about them. So yes, I really do think I tried my very best in this class.
  6.      Yes, I most of the time read my Life Planning Goals because it is like my agenda, I feel like I feel more organized writing them as a goal than as a “to do” in the school agenda because it motivates me to achieve my goals. Also I sometimes like to mark victory for every goal I achieved so I think the Life Planning Journal was a good idea.
  7.     To be honest, I do not know yet if i am committed to being a CTR person, because I always end up making mistakes or fibbing about something I did, because I believe it is better for someone. I also think that no one can truly be committed to be a CTR person because we are not perfect, you can’t say you haven’t lied, or purposely pretending not to see what happened in order not to help someone, or make an excuse just to surpass the situation. However, I do think I try my best every day to be someone I can be proud of and  I make sure I used the day god has granted me with good purposes.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



In this situation there was two examples of honesty and hard moments. When it comes to taking tests that will determine our future we, acknowledge that if we don’t pass the test it is the end of the world for us. But what is better, passing the test by cheating or passing the test by working hard and trying your best. Cheating is never a good option, because you are lying not only to the criteria but you are lying to yourself. These medical students pulled out a cheat sheet to pass the test and not retake it again. Although some situations are costly and difficult like medical school cheating on a test would not make you any better than not doing the test, because if they get away with cheating people’s lives would be on their hands. Fortunately there was a brave man who stood up and told them all that he indeed worked hard for a position in that medical school and that he would turn in anyone who he saw cheating. Thanks to him that medical school had many graduate students tha were able to be successful in life.
                     “When you tell One Lie it Leads to Another”        

If you ever told a lie you know what this quote is trying to prove, because when you tell a lie you are not only lying about that 1 thing, you have to make up more lies to cover up that small lie. Even if it was just lie about who ate the last cookie. You obviously would say it was not you, it was your baby brother. Haa that would be funny because what if your baby brother can’t walk you have to make a lie for that reason to. When you make up one lie people start to question if you are trustworthy or not. You start to realize you have less friends and people don’t want to include you in secrets because they think you are a big mouth. When you choose to do the wrong thing there would always be consequences and the truth would eventually come out. The thing is you are only doing the right when you choose to accept your consequences and tell the truth. In my experience saying the truth could be hard because you know that when that truth comes out you would be in big problems, but when that day comes you would be glad you told the truth because you won’t be drown in that guilt you had for so long. However, there is this quote that goes like this “you could choose your sin, but you could not choose your consequences” so whatever you think is bad don’t do it because covering up that mistake with lies would just leave you with remorse.

Friday, December 9, 2016

  The Sting of a Scorpion
                                                                              -Elder Patrick Kearon

In this short memory of Patrick Kearon he talks about a time when he disobeyed his parents on a trip to the Arabian Peninsula.  His mother had told him to always wear shoes when he was going to walk around in the desert sand, but that one time he decided to be rebellious and lazy that he wore his sandals to walk around instead. He was later stung by a scorpion and had to suffer the pain for more than two hours until they got to the hospital. Patrick was fortunate enough that his parents were nearby to carry him and take him to the hospital. But if he had been further away he would of had to suffer more pain and the consequences would of been more severe. This story that Patrick told us teaches us all that Choosing the wrong and being disobedient leads to more than just pain. It affects the people around you when you decide to do bad choices. Older people have already passed through teen years and pressure so they know what they are telling you when they say “do this” and “don’t do this.”
“ Always Do Right”

Nowadays most people and children are growing up using bad words and being disrespectful because of society. But this is because they way people educate and act upon certain things. When you use violence in front of a child they would grow up to be aggressive themselves. So it is better to do the right thing and teach them good qualities when they are young before it is too late. Always doing the right would not grant you regret because when you choose to do the right thing you are becoming more humble and kind amongst others rather than building up rancor. Like I said today many people are not choosing the right so it is quite astonishing when you see someone doing the right things and being generous. Some people admire these types of actions and even if others don’t what your choices are is what makes you who you are. It is rather great to have quality than quantity. All others may be falling off track but it is never too late to start doing what is right. The best things come out of good actions.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

“It’s better to be alone, than to be with bad company”

Being alone can mean a lot of things, you can be alone but have a lot of people around you, or you can be alone but have just that 1 person, or you could be alone and have nobody. Whichever the problem is, it is always better to be alone than with bad company, because later on in life having bad company includes fake people, and bad reputations. If you hang out with people who drink and party all the time people would see you as one of them even if you don’t drink. Having bad company can influence you to do the wrong choices you can not take back. So instead of having bad people surrounding you, it is a lot better to be alone or associate with good people who actually want to see you succeed in life. However, you cannot be lonely if you like the person you are alone with. I mean if you are happy about yourself you can have fun by yourself. You can become a better person by choosing the right and be with good people.
World War ll
What countries fought against whom in World War ll?
World war ii was fought by two groups of countries. One side were the Axis powers, Germany Italy, and Japan. The other side were the Allies, which included Britain, France Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China, and USA.   

When did World War ii occur?
World War ii occurred in September 1 1939 to September 2 1945.

Name and describe a few events that happened in World War ll.
September 3 1939 - Invasion of Poland marks
July 1 1940 - Battle of Britain
June 22 1941 - Germany invades USSR
December 7 1941 - Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor


How can we honor and show respect for World War ii veterans?

By say the Pledge of Allegiance and honoring the flag we can show respect for veterans who fought in World War ii.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

  1. What are several of the major challenges teens deal with today?
  • Peer pressure                                        - Depression
  • Drug addiction                                      - Not fitting in
  • Relationships                                        - Bullying
  • Academic problems                             - Eating DISORDERS
  1. What are one or two challenges YOU are dealing with and what are you doing about them?
  Some challenges I am facing as a teen today are relationships among friends and academic problems. I am most likely trying to keep a small circle because last year having a lot of friends didn’t go so well. In school I get a lot of stress when I have a lot of homework to do, so I try to sort things out by doing what I feel confident about first.
  1. How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challenges you may face?
Being a CTR person can help teens or any person overcome any challenges they may face because being a CTR person makes them good and brings them blessing when they choose the right. Basically when a challenge is approaching you deciding to do the right thing is important.
  1. How can you help other teens overcome their challenges?
I believe I can help other teens overcome their challenges by listening to them and share out their problems. AKA be there for them.
  • Reflection: What is the greatest need that teens have?
When it comes to needs and being a teen I think the greatest need they have is attention. I think every teens is always looking for someone who listens to them and is always there in both good and bad.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

                                                                  Image result for john f kennedy       - President John F. Kennedy

“ Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”

Physical fitness is an important way of keeping your body healthy and strong, so yes indeed it can help your dynamic and creative intellectual activity. An easy way you could improve your physical activity is by joining a sport. Sports are a major act of physical fitness, it keeps your heart pumping and muscles working. However, some ways that can affect your physical fitness is smoking and consuming drugs. Being a ctr person means you should avoid these types of negative consumptions and try your best to improve your life and others. When you look after your health you are helping others by keeping yourself healthy and strong for future tasks that others won’t be able of doing. Kindness is important when it comes to health because without kindness you won’t be happy and stress builds up. So in order to improve your physical fitness you should choose the right decisions.
Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:
Health librarians help people find information and conduct research for personal and professional use. They are responsible for organizing and disseminating biomedical, scientific and clinical information to staff members in health care delivery.
Most librarians need a master’s degree in library science. Other positions or jobs may require licensure, certificate, or a degree in another field. In order to become a health science librarian, they must complete a 4-year baccalaureate program.
Demand or Need for profession:
From 2014 there has been 143,100 health science librarian occupations available. In the next ten years there is an expected of 2% job growth.  

I think I wouldn’t like to become a health science librarian, because it is just like being a librarian only health like. I rather see it last a job for people who are patient and quiet. My type of career is more into creating instead.